miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017


"Aquél que es valiente es libre"- Séneca

(english below)
¿Qué pasaría si dejáramos de tener miedo?
¿Qué pasaría si disfrutáramos del miedo? ¿En qué se convertiría entonces? ¿En qué se convertiría el miedo a la soledad si disfrutáramos del estar solos? ¿En qué se convertiría el miedo a perderlo todo si disfrutáramos del no tener nada?
 ¿En qué se convertirían el miedo y la incertidumbre si empezáramos a vivirlas desde el prisma del deleite? ¿No serían pues, emoción y ganas de saber qué sorpresas nos depara la vida?
¿Qué pasaría si convirtiéramos el miedo en una motivación, en coraje, en pasión? ¿Qué pasaría si empezáramos a amar el miedo? ¿No empezaríamos a ser libres? ¿No empezaríamos a romper todas esas cadenas que nos auto imponemos?
¿Qué pasaría si aceptáramos nuestras emociones y las redujéramos a amor? Pero claro, ¿qué es el amor? Para mí no existe una sola concepción de amor, el amor tiene muchas caras. Pero creo que se puede reducir a una sola: ACEPTACIÓN. No hablo de aceptación pasiva, hablo de aceptación activa. Hablo de una aceptación motivadora, transformadora, alquímica.
¿Qué pasaría si descubriéramos que somos los Alquimistas de nuestra propia existencia? ¿Que pasaría si nos diéramos cuenta de que aquello que tanto anhelamos reside ya en nuestro interior? ¿Qué pasaría si nos diéramos cuenta de que nosotros tenemos el poder para transformar la materia impura en piedra filosofal? ¿Qué pasaría si nos diéramos cuenta de que nosotros somos maestro y aprendiz? de que nosotros somos plomo y oro? ¿Qué pasaría si te dieras cuenta de que tú mismo eres Alquimista y Materia filosofal?

Si estamos es en este mundo material es porque tenemos el poder de cambiarlo, podemos moldear la realidad, nuestra realidad. Somos los artesanos de nuestra experiencia, tenemos el poder de decidir qué hacer con aquello que se nos ha dado. Podemos convertir nuestra vida en nuestra Piedra Filosofal.

Todo empieza y acaba en ti. Aceptaste el difícil desafío de ser tú mismo en un mundo lleno de espejismos e ilusiones. Despierta. Recuerda quién eres. Tú eres el Creador.


"He who is brave is free"- Seneca

What if we stopped being afraid?
What if we enjoyed the fear? What would it become, then? What would become the fear of loneliness if we enjoyed being alone? What would become the fear of losing everything if we enjoyed having nothing?
What would fear and uncertainty become if we enjoyed them? Wouldn't they turn into enthusiasm and interest for what is coming? What if we made fear into motivation, courage and passion? What if we loved the fear? Wouldn't we be free then? Wouldn't we break all those walls we built around us?
What if we embraced our emotions and reduced them to Love? But, of course... what's Love? For me there isn't just one concept of Love. Love has many faces, but I think it can be reduced to one: ACCEPTANCE. I'm not talking about a passive acceptance. I'm talking about an active one. I'm talking about a motivational and transforming acceptance, an alchemical one.
What if we found out that we are the Alchemists of our own existence? What if we realised that everything we yearn for is already within us? What if we realised that we have the power  to transmutate the first matter into the philosopher's stone? What if we realised that we ourselves are apprentice and master, lead and gold? What if you realised that you are the Alchemist and the Philosopher's Matter?

If we are living in this material world is because we have the power to transform it, we have the ability to mould  the reality, our own reality. We are the artisans of our own experience, we have the power to decide what to do with what is given to us. We can turn our life into our own Philosopher's Stone.
Everything begins and ends within yourself. You accepted this difficult challenge that is being your true self in a world full of mirages and illusions. Be awake. Remember who you are. You are the Creator.

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017

Forelsket. Hyggelig.

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

It's amazing how different the Camino is for everyone, even for yourself if you've walked it before. Even though it's always the same Way, it is always special and new. It's amazing to see how the Camino creates  different scenarios for each person, deppending on what he or she needs.

I started my Camino on the 22nd of August. I gave up all my plans only for one reason: to walk. I had a really good opportunity to go to Germany and start a new life there but I said no to that and said yes to my intuition. I didn't really know why I NEEDED to walk from France to the End of the World, but I knew that if I didn't I would regret it my whole life.

I had something clear in my mind: have no expectations, be open-minded and be open-hearted. Accept whatever comes. Be true to yourself. Break your shield and let the others get to know you. And so I did (or I tried to).  I've always thought "I'm enough, I need no one to be happy, I am my own sun and moon, and I'm better when I'm alone". And in some way is true,  I'm enough and I just need myself to be happy but the Camino kicked my ass really hard and showed me that HAPPINESS IS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED. And I loved it. From the first day to the last one I was sorrounded by beautiful, caring and amazing souls who wanted to share their light and love with me, while asking nothing in return.
One of the funny things about the Camino is the Time. You meet someone for a week or even less and it seems a lifetime. In Muxía, an hospitalero told me something I'll always remember: "The people you get to know in the Camino are really special, and the bond you create with them is unbreakable. They will always have a place in your heart and you'll always have a place in theirs." And it's totally true. It doesn't matter how long it takes for us to meet again, not even the distance that separates us, because all the funny moments, all the madness, the laughs, the tears, the love... all the experiences we've shared are undying.
The memories you create there are magical. Even the "bad" moments are. The Camino shows you that: Magic exists in the little things. Life is made of that, little magic things that happen to you. You just need to observe and be open to recieve: a new landscape, a warm dinner, a new blister, someone helping you, pain in your body, a comforting hug, an interesting conversation, an intense look, an unexpected caress, a beer with your friends, the moonlight, the sunrise and sunset, a bed (even if it's not comfortable), a smile... Magic is there, you just have to open your eyes and see.

The Camino changes you. You're the same, same name, same body, same clothes, same hair... but the way you look at things, the way you think and the way you feel is completely different. You realize that you're able to do anything yo want, you're the Creator of your Life, you're not a Tree, you can move and you can achieve your goals. Life is not how they tell you it is. Life is how you want it to be. Your Life, your Path. Nothing is impossible, it's just difficult. But there, in trouble, is when Magic happens. When things get tough you realize if that is what you really want and if that is worth fighting for.

The same hospitalero, that one in Muxía, told me another thing I wasn't ready to hear at that moment. He said: "Your soul will cry, your soul will cry a lot... you're gonna miss so much the Camino and the friends you made here... and you're gonna think about it every day. I can see in your eyes you don't want it to finish, but this is ending. And you have to accept it" Those were the hardest words I had to hear, because I knew it was the truth. I knew it was the Universe talking to me through that man. The Universe was asking me to accept the End and be happy for all what I experienced. I knew it was the Universe saying "don't hold", "don't hold onto anything and you'll have everything". 
For a long time I've been repeating that to myself as a mantra, don't hold onto anything, let everything go. If you love something, set it free.  I swear I thought I knew how to do it. I thought I learnt it when my father left and I had to accept that and let him go, set him free... but the Camino showed me I still have to learn how to do it, because is really different to let go from the Love and Respect than from the Resentment and  Melancholy.

I've understood it's a scary thing to let go what you love but all what you hold becomes a chain. Love must be wild and free. Love cannot be hold because Love is everything. You just have flow into it and embrace that energy.

Trust your way. The Camino provides. Life provides.


P.S Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.