jueves, 26 de julio de 2018

Conversations with the Moon.

Sometimes I wonder where I belong to. We're put in some random place at birth and we think it's our home, we are taught to think so. We spend years there, we create our lifes in a place that might not be for us, just because we've been born there. But what if one day you ask yourself: Is this place where my heart really belongs to? Is it here where I want to spend the rest of my life? Is it here where I feel at home? Is this my home? I haven't chosen to be here. Do I have to stay?

What if we haven't been following our hearts but just the voices of others? What if we haven't been following our souls but we've just been dragged by the flow of life?
What if we are put in random places so we can have the experinces we need to, at some point, realize that that's not our place? And what do we do, when we feel like that? Should we follow that crazy emotion, should we jump into the unknown? Should we break with our "life" and start over again? Or should we start really living the life we are mean to live? Yes, that one. The one we are scared to reach.

Sometimes you feel connected to places you've never been before. Sometimes you feel more attached to cultures you've never experienced. Why? Well, I think that's your soul calling your name. Is trying to tell you: "You belong there. There's something there waiting for you. Just go, and see it by yourself."

Some people say "Home is where your heart is", but where are our hearts? Where's yours? Are they really with the people we love? Does it mean we have to live close to them? Does it mean that if we are far away we don't love them? I think our heart is where we feel at home. And sometimes is not near the people we love. We have to seek home, then, to find our hearts.


Mire Taurendilmë

lunes, 16 de julio de 2018


Nothing is forever. Is painful to think that whatever we're living right now won't last because it reminds us that we are just travelers in this physical world. Either if it's love, happines, joy, hope... or pain, sadness, solitude, emptyness... Accept it. It's gonna end. So enjoy it while it lasts, because you'll regret not doing what you wanted to do while you had the oppportunity to do it. Do what you want to do today, express how you feel now because there might not be a tomorrow.

We all have our path in this Earth. We all have to learn our particular lessons. Everything happens for  a reason. Every person we meet has something to teach us. And we have to teach them something in return. After that's done, both souls must part ways and keep growing by their own. That can be painful if there's interest, attachment, or love. Is difficult to let go when you don't want to, but we cannot hold something that wants to leave. Is difficult to overcome that pain, is difficult to fill the hole that's left. You won't be able to fill that hole again, it will just close and you'll have that scar there and it will remind you of the soul that touched you with its energy and the memories you shared together.

All of us are broken is some way and its our duty to heal ourselves. Nobody can't save us. Nobody is gonna do it. We cannot put that responsability on another soul. We are alone in this experience, we just share small breaks of time with others, but at the end of the day, it's you. That's all.

Your life has a concrete timing, you are where you need to be to become the real YOU, if you're really willing to. You just need to trust yourself and follow what makes you feel alive, what makes you happy, what makes your life better... follow what is worth for you. Follow your heart and accept that others have the right to do or not the same. Maybe they don't want to or they're not ready to do it, and that's completely fine. Because they need to walk their own path.

Having faith and hope in life is a hard thing to do because you need to drop your fears, you need to jump off a cliff and throw your shield away. You need to trust and trusting is being vulnerable and being vulnerable means you can get hurt again. But what's pain but the memory of a faded love?
In a way, pain is love from another perspective.

I'd rather have a loving heart full of scars than an untouched one. I'd rather be brave to accept that I'll feel pain again from the experience of a transitory happiness than feeling no joy or love at all.

You cannot change what others feel about you but you can change how you feel about yourself. This life is yours and you have the right to lead it wherever and however you feel like to.

"The broken world waits in Darkness for the light that is you."

Mire Taurendilmë

jueves, 12 de julio de 2018


A veces me canso de esta realidad material. Me canso de ver, de oir, de sentir este mundo. Me canso de mirarme al espejo y no verme. Me canso de hablar y no escuchar  lo que realmente se encierra dentro de mí. Me canso de los límites, me canso de los juicios, me canso del bien y del mal.  Me canso de los pensamientos preestablecidos, me canso de la sociedad, me canso de "tener que ser" y no "ser", en cambio. Me canso de las falsas sonrisas, de los cumplidos y de las emponzoñadas cortesías. Me canso de las obligaciones y los deberes. Me canso de vivir en una sociedad podrida cuyo único motor es el interés propio. Me canso de la perfección, me canso de la rutina, me canso de sentirme encorsetada en una realidad que no me representa. Me canso de la falsedad, de las mentiras y de las medias verdades. Me canso de las cosas y personas sin alma. Me canso de los zombies y de los vampiros. Me canso de la hipocresía y del egoísmo. Me canso de tener el pasado enganchado en la espalda y el futuro huyendo de mí. Me canso de esta realidad entumecida. Me canso de la falsa libertad y de la esclavitud encubierta. Me canso de las invisibles cadenas que asfixian la esencia del alma. Me canso. Cierro los ojos. Desaparezco. Y el juego se reinicia.

Mire Taurendilmë

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018

Nodus Tollens

What is the meaning of Life? Does Life even have a meaning? Do we decide to come to  this physical dimension and experience this that we call Life? What are we supposed to do here? Do we have a purpose inside ourselves? Do we have to find out what is it? How do we know we are doing what we are supposed to do? How do we know we are doing what we really want to do?


Is Freedom our Path? What may Freedom be in this material cage? What does Freedom mean in this society? 
Do we even decide who we are? We only can decide who we become with what we have, but we don't choose the primary matter... do we? So, how can we be free when we are not even able to make that decision? We might never know. I feel that the only thing we can do is create ilusions and shields around us so we can feel safe, so we can believe we control this organized chaos that is Life.  

I've decided to believe that everything happens for a reason. My brain and my soul cannot accept
the possibility that everything is just a bunch of casualities disconnected from each other. I cannot accept that Life has no meaning. There must be something else behind this physical hologram, a reason to be. But perhaps is not our duty to find that out. 


I don't remember deciding to comer here, if I ever did... and I don't find the answer inside me nor in the world that surrounds me.
Perhaps Life has no meaning, maybe it's us who must give it one. Maybe our duty is decide which one to choose. 

Is Life a Path, with a start and an end line or is just a ridicously infinite expansion of Nothingness? If so, where are we walking to? Where did we begin?
Maybe there is no such a thing and we don't need to walk. Maybe the only thing that exists is ourselves. Maybe we are the Nothingness itself discovering the meaning of its existence. 

Mire Taurendilmë

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

Carta a un amor desvanecido. Letter to a vanished love.

english below 
Te amé como amo a la lluvia, a la luna, a las estrellas y a los árboles... de manera genuina, inocente y mágica. De alguna manera, mi alma debía amarte. Y lo hizo. Te amó de manera feroz e ilusionada. Te amó a ti por completo. No la culpo... y a ti tampoco.
Nuestro amor fue tan corto como intenso. Nos amamos con miedo, mucho miedo pero con mucho amor. Ésa es una balanza difícil de equilibrar, pues el miedo suele engullir todo aquello que temes perder.
No sé si tu alma me dejó de sonreír, pero no me importa. La mía aún te sonríe y siempre lo hará. Siempre formarás parte de ella.
No hay rencor en mi corazón, pues entiendo que todo debe concluir, igual que termina la noche para dar paso a un nuevo amanecer.
Estoy agradecida por haber podido compartir mi tiempo contigo y de haber tenido la suerte de ser el mágico recipiente donde volcaste parte de tu amor y cariño; donde dejaste algunas de tus sonrisas, caricias y sueños. Te aseguro que los mantendré a salvo.
Ojalá nuestros caminos se crucen una vez más y nuestras almas se reencuentren  para compartir de nuevo su luz.
Que la Diosa Freyja te brinde la fortaleza suficiente para atravesar los oscuros momentos, la sabiduría necesaria para escoger el camino adecuado y el amor que mereces para que ilumine tu vida.
Con cariño,

I loved you the same way I love the rain, the moon, the stars and the trees... in a genuine, innocent and magic way. Somehow, my soul had to love you. And she did. She loved you fiercely and thrilled. She loved the whole "you". I don't blame her... nor you.
Our love was as short as intense. We loved each other with fear, so mcuh fear... but with lots of love, as well.  That's a scale difficult to balance, as the fear usually devours all that you're afraid to lose.
I don't know if your soul stopped smiling at me, but I don't mind. Mine still smiles at you and she ever will. You will be always part of her.
There is no regret inside my heart, since I understand that everything must conclude, just like the night ends to lead into a new sunrise.
I'm grateful for being able to share my time with you. I feel lucky for being the magic little jar in which you let part of your love and kindness, where you poured some of your smiles, caresses and dreams into. I guarantee you that I'll keep them safe.
May our paths cross again and our souls meet and share their lights one more time.
May Freyja the Goddess afford you enough strenght to go through your darkest moments, the wisdom required for you to choose the appropiate path and the love you deserve to light up your life.
With love,